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What does the B class and C class mean on the clothing label?

What does the B class and C class mean on the clothing label?


This is mandatory. Class a refers to the standard of safety for infants and young children under 3 years of age. B and C are safety standards for children or adults. Class A is the highest requirement and is the product of complete contact with the skin. The B type is a product of the direct skin class, and the C class is not a direct skin product. Generally, this standard is used in the clothing of the jacket type.
B class refers to direct contact with the skin, C class is not directly contact the skin, as if not seen A tired
B class refers to direct contact with the skin, C class is not directly contact the skin
This is the GB/T18401-2010 of a mandatory safety standards of national textile and clothing products are all must comply with the mandatory standards, and to indicate the product is in line with that type of standard in the clothing tag, otherwise it is not listed, a standard which is also the country to many products on the market and the establishment of safety management.

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