I wonder what these are and what is their functions, and how does the allignment of these affect a car‘s drift performance?
Toe is the angle of the wheels with respect to each other front to back. If you were looking up at your car from the bottom, your front tires would look like this / if you had toe in. And like this / if you had toe out. obviously you want them to be more like this l l . Too much toe in or out can really mess up tires, since you're generally dragging them sideways as you drive straight down the road. Toe adjustment however can be important to dial in the right amount of turn in you need for racing applications. Camber on the other hand is the angle if you were looking at your tires from the front or the back of the car, kneeling on the ground for example looking at the front of your car. You generally want your tires to sit like this / . Although not too much, just a degree or two, but this will give the car a little bit better handling, allowing the car to get a better grip on the outside tire during a turn.
i own a shop,and toe in ,and camber adjustment has to do with the angle the wheel sets at,and helps determine run out on it,if either one of these if off it throws the other one off,all of this is corrected when a front end or a complete alignment is done to any vehicle,and if one is off ,it will make it eat the tires up on it,really bad,good luck i hope this helps.
Toe refers to the tires pointing in or out ( front tires) Toe out is when your tires are pointing out at the front and toe in is the opposite, as far as chamber goes it's the same but from the top to bottom of the tire. If the bottom of the tire sticks out more than the top you have negitive chamber, if the tops stick out more than the bottom you have positive chamber. In most sports cars they will run positive chamber in the front and negative in the back for the gription., as far as toe in or toe out it depends on application most 4 X 4 use toe in, most street cars go as close as posible to - or + as they can for fuel economy. It's all a mater of what you want to acheive.