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What does water do to electrical equipment that causes them to malfunction?

I know water can damage electrical equipment, but why can water do this? I'm sure it has to do something with electricity and water. I seek an in-depth answer that will leave me with no doubts, or further questions, if possible.


Water is a polar molecule and in nature contain impurities which enhance it's conductive ability. So water become a conductor when introduced to electronic devices and electricity follows the path of least resistance, which is no longer the desired circuit. So with the electricity being conducted into places that are not desired it often causes components to fail by overloading them with power. Electrical equipment that gets wet while not connected to power often can be used provided it is allowed to dry out completely before power is applied. For example I have been know to put keyboards in the dishwasher and as long as I wait before I used them afterwards. But pour a cup of coffee into the ketbouard while in use and generally it is toast.

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