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what if they made a tire that when it snows.?

when i snows, the driver can push a lever and the sides of the front tires move up, so that the f. tires can brake the ice on the road.


I am sorry to tell you but no. Society does not realize those kind of things.
I'd guess very unlikely. If the cop saw you they probably wouldn't have wrote you up, but once they did they did, and you can't prove that you were in the vehicle (so you could have moved if the fire department arrived), so to them you were impeding the potential safety of others by blocking the hydrant. Being a father who's been there with puking kids in the car I feel bad for you, but my guess is you'll lose. You can try though - maybe you'll get lucky?
Right before you crash, open the car doors and jump out headfirst. Make sure that when you're jumping you make contact with your neck - it will absorb shock. Roll onto something soft - concrete or asphalt is good; if not a puddle of mud works well.
That's no excuse for blocking a fire hydrant. Just pay the ticket and move on.

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