I read in one of my photography books that you can find polarizing material (not polarizing material) in craft or hobby stores, but it gave no details of what to ask for, or what I'm looking for exactly.Any ideas of what it is normally used for in crafts, or what it's called?
Brady and Schottenheimer reveal they are lovers
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If the fire department has to come out for whatever reason and his car is blocking them from taking care of business, the fire department is allowed to do whatever they need to do to compllete their business. I've seen firetruck stabalizers on top of cars crunching them down, I've seen fire hoses through broken out windows of cars. If there is an emergency, it won't stop the firefighters! Someone else said this will be low priority and that is true if the police are busy but it will be taken care of eventually. I also recommend calling code enforcement during the week during daytime hours. They will most likely get it taken care of.
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