in an auto what does brake warning light indicate
I agree it's the parking brake or your anti lock braking system
Depends what auto it is. Either your parking brake is set or broken, or your master cylinder has unequal pressure between front and rear bowls, usually from low fluid.
when the brake light comes on it could mean a lot of things. but most of the time its from low brake fuild. look the brake fulid under the hood and see how full it is. or you can look at the ground where your car was siting and see if its leaking some where. if all of that is fine then could be a sticky brack calber.
Different cars might have various meanings with the warning light. On one of mine, a Ford, Windstar, the light will also go one if the brakes are not adjusted properly, or any sign of brake malfunction will set it off, plus low on brake fluid will light it up. The parking or emergency brake is another cause for the light to go on.
Low brake fluid level, or parking brake is on. NEVER ADD BRAKE FLUID!! The brake master cylinder is designed to hold just the right amount of brake fluid for your brake system. There are two things to note. 1) As the brake pads wear out, the calipers piston has to move farther out to press on the brake pads. As the piston moves farther out, the area behind the piston becomes filled with more fluid from the master cylinder, and the level of fluid in the master cylinder goes down. When the fluid level in the master cylinder gets too low, a light should come on indicating that your brake fluid is low. That does NOT mean you need to add brake fluid. It means your brake pads are VERY close to being worn out. 2) If you add brake fluid today, and have your brakes done tomorrow, when the mechanic compresses the caliper piston ALL the excess brake fluid is going to spill out of the master cylinder all over the engine compartment and make a huge mess. Not to mention ruining your car. Just a note: Brake fluid does not evaporate. So, unless you have a leak, NEVER add brake fluid. Have your brakes serviced.