what is solar panel?and what is solar cell?do solar cells compose solar panels?
How Solar Cells Work by Scott Aldous Inside This Article 1. Introduction to How Solar Cells Work 2. Photovoltaic Cells: Converting Photons to Electrons 3. How Silicon Makes a Solar Cell 4. Anatomy of a Solar Cell 5. Energy Loss in a Solar Cell 6. Solar-powering a House 7. Solving Solar-power Issues 8. Solar-power Pros and Cons 9. Lots More Information 10. See all Physical Science articles You've probably seen calculators that have solar cells -- calculators that never need batteries, and in some cases don't even have an off button. As long as you have enough light, they seem to work forever. You may have seen larger solar panels -- on emergency road signs or call boxes, on buoys, even in parking lots to power lights. Although these larger panels aren't as common as solar powered calculators, they're out there, and not that hard to spot if you know where to look. There are solar cell arrays on satellites, where they are used to power the electrical systems. You have probably also been hearing about the solar revolution for the last 20 years -- the idea that one day we will all use free electricity from the sun. This is a seductive promise: On a bright, sunny day, the sun shines approximately 1,000 watts of energy per square meter of the planet's surface, and if we could collect all of that energy we could easily power our homes and offices for free.
Generally a solar cell is a block of semiconductor with some impurities put there on purpose. 'Panel' is generally used to describe a bunch of cells put together and their supporting apparatus.
I think rims are also hubcaps - but I'm not sure.
solar panels trap energy from the sun inside itself, and then you can later used it for energy. I think everyone should get some solar panels.