What is terrestrial transmission what are the range of signals used for it?
In addition to the above, you will also get interference patterns from signals reflecting off any obstructions in the signal path even if they are not high enough to interfere directly with line of sight communications. Reflected signals will simply arrive at the receiving antenna out of phase with the transmitted signal. This is due to the fact that reflected signals travel a longer path and thus arrive out of sync, creating dead spots. Adolph
A signal originating from the planet earth
In very easy words and very generalized: A transmission from point A to point B that doesnt make use of satellites. If the transmission is straight from point A to point B, then the maximus range it's a bit more of the horizon (depending on what frequency are you transmitting) Use of repeaters can extend the range. LF MF HF VHF UHF are the most common frequencies used for terrestrial communications.