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I am going to start to skateboard what is the best deck, bearings.......?

What is the best deck, bearings so on so on. I am a begginger. Also what addvice do you have to me.


listen up kiddo cuz i know what im talking about. First off, there are two good beginer's boards. Zero, which is my personal favorite, and Alien Workshop, which I've heard a lot of good things about. Alien Workshops are over all good boards, and zero is good for street skating and getting high ollies. The next thing, is trucks. I think that the top trucks brands are Krux, Grind King, and Phantom 2. But really, all the trucks are virtually the same. You can ask anyone, Zero Black Widdow Bearings are the best.... Spitfire wheels are the best wheels... Stay away from brands like Blind [which cracks easily] and Birdhouse [They are designed for vert skating, and are VERY VERY hard to ollie with because they are really heavy.] Also element are generally cheap and flimsy. Shoes are all the same, just pick whatever looks good. ^__^ If you already know how to ollie, thats great [Push down with your backfoot on the tail of the board, and slide your front foot up the board and jump]. But it takes a while to ollie, so you really need to keep practicing as much as possible [It took me around 2 months to finally ollie], and watch as many skate videos. If you follow those two things, you will be ollie-ing in no time. good luck.
its all the same
get an Element deck all the way. buy it complete
automobiles, wheels, bearings, hardware, grip tape. If this is your relatively first time getting on a skateboard, i % to propose which you purchase your safetly issues like helmet, pads and such in case you do no longer % your physique to get sore.

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