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what is the best home treatment for dry hair?

Please let it be something you tried and worked for you


Change the batteries. You should do all of the smoke detectors at the same time and do so once a year. That is all it is.
This is a tough one. You can sue someone for anything. REALLY. The question is will you win, or can you make them worry enough to settle. The first thing to do is tape a tape recorder under your desk and turn it on whenever one of them comes around. OR get an 8hr tape recorder and leave it on. I can tell you, you will almost certianly loose this so put your resume out. These are not women they are witches. And I mean the bad kind. Sociopaths. Write a letter explaining pretty much everything you just told us. Tell them you like working for them and you hate to see them be taken in by someone so cunning. Tell them you are not equiped to fight this kind of fight its not your nature. Ask them in thier own experience have they ever had anyone complain about them a lot to try to get them in trouble? Actually sue someone else about something else. Maybe get a friend to let you sue him and he will 'loose'. Mention to your employer that you won your case. This will scare the willies out of them even if they are on your side. If you do get fired DONT let it slide. Even if you have to take matters in hand. Letting it slide is just setting the next guy up for the same treatment. Teach them that hurting people has consequences. Oh, if you don't get an immediate and sympathetic response to your letter then call a union and see about trying to get one set up. That way if they fire you, you can sue for retaliation! Even better, don't give them a letter. It could come back to you. Just talk to them. Best to talk to a man first.

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