What is the best way to dig a conglomerate?
Shale was formed in lentic environment, sediment deposition after a long time, so often exist in the lake and river deltas, formed in the continental shelf is shale, shale often contains ancient fossil plants and animals. Sometimes there are traces of animal fossils, and even traces of ancient raindrops may be preserved in shale.
Shale (Shale) is a kind of sedimentary rock, complex composition, but having a thin sheet or sheet laminated joints is mainly formed by clay deposited by the pressure and temperature of rock, but mixed with detrital quartz, feldspar and other chemical substances, according to the mixture composition, can be divided into: calcareous shale, iron shale, siliceous shale, carbonaceous shale, black shale, oil shale shale which may be iron ore, oil shale can be refined oil, black shale oil can be used as the indicator of formation.
Round and sub round gravel with a particle size greater than 2 mm, accounting for more than 30% of the total amount of clastic rock. Clastic components in conglomerate are mainly debris, only a small amount of mineral debris, and the interstitial materials are sand, silt, clay and chemical precipitation material. According to the size of gravel conglomerate, divided into boulders (>256 mm), large conglomerate gravel (64 ~ 256 mm) pebble conglomerate, (4 to 64 mm) and fine gravel conglomerate (2 to 4 cents by the conglomerate and bioturbation limestone conglomerate m). According to the complexity of gravel composition, conglomerate can be divided into single component conglomerate and compound component conglomerate. According to the location of conglomerate in geological section, they can be divided into bottom conglomerate and interlayer conglomerate. The bottom conglomerate is located at the bottom of transgressive sequence, which is unconformity or pseudo contact with the lower rock layer, and represents the hiatus of a certain geological period. For example, Hebei, Tangshan, Sinian, bottom, the Great Wall, quartz conglomerate. The interlayer conglomerate is consolidated within the stratum and does not represent any erosion discontinuity. For example, the Cambrian and Ordovician carbonate rocks in northern china.
The conglomerate is defined by more than 50% particle diameter greater than 2 mm is composed of clastic rock. The degree of rounding better gravel cementation and become conglomerate; with the edges of the corner by gravel, gravel and cement as breccia.