Usually diatomite beneficiation mineral process is: Raw ore----first grinding and drying?---- second grinding and drying ---- pre sorting ---- hydrocyclones separation ---- powder products. Send to ring kiln for calcination if it needs to be further processed (with fluxor without flux) - grinding ore cooling - classification separation- filler or filter aid products. When processing, you must protect structure and unique shape of diatom skeleton. Choose the suitable crushing grinding equipment and crafts to protect complete structure of diatom and avoid secondary crushing. The ore grinder commonly used is pneumatic cracker.
Diatomite is a kind of siliceous rocks, mainly distributed in China, the United States, Denmark, France, Romania and other countries. It is a kind of biogenic siliceous sedimentary rocks, mainly composed of the remains of ancient diatom. Its main chemical composition is SiO2, written as SiO2 · nH2O, and the mineral compositions are opal and its variants.
The purpose of diatomite beneficiation is to remove the impurities including mud, debris, iron and aluminum to realize enrichment of diatom. General method is gravity milling, divided into dry and wet types. Dry separation is to remove gangue with air separator or remove organics, volatile matter and water with rotating dryer, mainly used for high grade ore. While wet separation is to remove larger density gangue impurities with hydrocyclone, mainly used for low grade ore;