What is the fundamental differences between Goju-ryu Karate and Fujian White Crane?
Actually, to discredit Big Bill, the differences are scant. There are a collection of YouTube videos from Morio Higaonna's time spent in China doing a demonstration with white Crane artists. A lot of the differences are superficial. Hell, one form demonstrated by the White Crane guys started off like a Tomari Te kata, Wankan. There's also a video of Morio, Gushi( Pangai Noon/ Uechi Ryu), and two Chinese masters doing Saam Chim in comparison with Sanchin.
Actually the fundamental difference between all styles of Karate and all styles of kung fu is that Karate emphasizes linear striking techniques and kung fu emphasizes circular striking techniques. All Japanese influenced 'atemi' (striking) styles are linear. That is one way to identify the lineage of an Asian martial art, if the punches and kicks are thrown straight.
Are these some sort of new pokemon?