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What is the height of each staircase in public places?

Help a! What is the height of each staircase in public places? The The I do 300 wide * 162 high can not use? This building height is 3900. The indoor net height is 3150. How about The Expert guidance! Greatful! grateful!


Usually the height of the step is not greater than 220mm, the width is greater than 260mm. In general, the height of the outdoor steps to be less than the indoor steps, usually tail 150mm, the room often to 165 ~ 185mm see more. The width of the outdoor step is usually 300 to 350 mm and the room is 280 to 300 mm.
My front door is 150mm * 300mm, walking very comfortable. But in different places in order to save space will be steep point.
The height of the steps should be sized according to the slope of the steps and the size of the human foot. 1> staircase slope range of 20 to 45 degrees (not more than 38 degrees), that is, between 1: 2.75 to 1: 1. 2> The width of the tread should be the foot of the human foot can all fall on the step is appropriate, the height should also be appropriate to ensure that the stairs have the appropriate slope. 3> Stair step height should not be greater than 210mm, and should not be less than 140mm, all levels of step height should be the same, the calculated value can be selected according to Appendix 3 table. (Figure 2.0.4) 4> staircase width, should be used 220,240,260,280,300,320 mm. ?? Note: 250mm can be used if necessary. Your 300 wide * 162 high count down to 1: 1.85 meet the building code requirements.

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