What is the sauce, coating or basting that is on top of the chicken, that they make.any recipes on how to duplicate that?
Autobos: Optimus, Bumblebee, Ratchet, Ironhide, The Twins Skids and Mudflap, Jetfire (ex-decepticon) Whellie (ex-decepticon), The Arcee Twins: Arcee, Chromia and Flare Up (or Elita-One), SideswipeDecepticons: Megatron, Starscream, Soundwave, The Fallen Ravage, The Doctor (Scalpel on toy line), Sideways, The Constructicons (not the Devastator ones): Rampage, Long Haul, Scrapper, Demolishor, Mixmaster and Bonecrusher (he die on the first movie, but a same Decepticon appears on the Desert Battle), Devastator: High Tower, Scavanger, Long Haul, Scrapper, Overload, Mixmaster and Rampage, Alice, a Incecticon, Blackout (or Grindor, name not confirmed), Scorponok
Autobots Optimus Prime, Ironhide, Ratchet, (The Twins) Mudflap/Skids,(The Sisters AKA Arcee) Arcee/Chromia/Elita One, Bumble bee, jolt, Jetfire, Wheelie, sideswipes Deceptions Megatron, Starscream, The Fallen, Devastator, soundwave, Sideways, Scavenger, demolisher, Reedman, The Doctor, Grindor, Alice, Scorponok, Rampage, Scrapper oh and a hole lot of effing desepticon drones
Autobots: Optimus Prime, Bumblebee, Ironhide, Rachet, Archee, Skids, Mudflap, Jetfire, Jolt Desepticons: The Fallen, Starscream, Sideways, Scorponok, Soundwave, Ravage, The Doctor, Wheelie, Demolisher, Devastator Scavenger + Scrapper + Hightower + Longhaul + Rampage + Overload + Mixmaster :) I saved them on my computer