what is the opportunity to manage the purchase without any plastic assistance?and what is the best protection?
Plastic plays the villain right from the stage of its production. The major chemicals that go into the making of plastic are highly toxic and pose serious threat to living beings of all species on earth. Some of the constituents of plastic such as benzene and vinyl chloride are known to cause cancer, while many others are gases and liquid hydrocarbons that vitiate earth and air. Plastic resins themselves are flammable and have contributed considerably to several accidents worldwide.
Plastic is one of the major toxic pollutants of our time to the environment . Being a non-biodegradable substance, composed of toxic chemicals, plastic pollutes earth, air and water, but it does have it benefit if used in a control and monitor environment. Quite a substantial amounts of plastic bags and bottle do enter the environment as litter or debris, (fish, turtle and bird eat them thinking they are jelly fish). The best proctection for the environment is to control and train human being on how to disposed plastic parts and follow regulations from the start to the end.
Depends on the final disposition of the plastic (waste, landfill, recycle, reprocess, storage)... If you want to discourage plastic use, find a way to drive its market price up.