What is the principle of radiation protective clothing for workers at the Fukushima nuclear leak?
The energy emitted by an object through radiation is called radiant energy. The radiation was calculated by roentgen / hour (R). Radiation can be divided into particle radiation and electromagnetic wave radiation, in which particle radiation includes neutron radiation, proton radiation and electron radiation, etc. the electromagnetic radiation is divided into X ray, ultraviolet ray and microwave radiation.
All objects in nature, as long as the temperature is above zero degrees of absolute temperature, in the form of electromagnetic waves constantly send heat to the outside world, this way of transmitting energy is called radiation.
These radiation is harmful to human body, among them, electromagnetic radiation and neutron radiation are more difficult to protect. Radiation protective clothing should have good conductivity, but also has good processing performance, the production of the protective clothing material with metal fiber and blended fabric, vacuum coating fabric, metal coated fabric, copper sulfide fabric and chemical plating fabric etc..