What is the ratio of catalyst to laminating resin?
The only thing you should be concerned about is the gauge of the extension cord. The lower, the better. If the run is 25' or less a 16 gauge will do. 25-50 feet use a 14 gauge and over 50' go with a 12. Any of these are available at home depot. Whatever you do don't use a lamp extension cord unless you want to start a fire. With the right extension cord the heating pad should run all night without any problem.
use rain water or purified used shower/sink/gray water for irrigation. Consider getting plastic tube drip irrigation with automatic timer and rain sensor solar powered. Get a dehydrator or freeze dyer, and steam pressure caner, so you can store your garden grown food for the winter. Search: solar oven and solar dehydrator, it uses no electricity not even solar panels, just uses heat from the sun. mint, chives, leafy greens, herbs, beans, and small root veg can be grown inside by the window, putting reflective material and grow light can help it more. Search regrowing vegetables.