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What is the relationship between spot crude oil and spot silver?

What is the relationship between spot crude oil and spot silver?


Domestic crude oil is similar in operation to spot silver, but there are some subtle differences:1, spot crude oil is a new breed of volatile trading products, spot silver is currently relatively small fluctuations;2, spot crude oil and spot silver can be bought or sold first, prices can also make money;3, the spot crude oil and spot silver basic transparent, not easy to manipulate;4, spot crude oil deposit than spot silver to low;5, spot crude oil fees than the current spot silver investment platform on the market, the overall fee is much lower, spot crude oil is 9, and like the spot silver basically between 11-15 points fee;6, the new varieties of investment, trading activity, the money to make more money than the spot silver;7, crude oil can be delivered to refuel, silver can also be delivered, but only hedge.
Purchase of silver in order to achieve the value of the assets to protect against inflation risks. Therefore, the increase in demand for silver, the supply is less than demand, it will cause a sharp rise in spot silver prices. On the contrary, silver prices will fall
Crude oil prices are positively correlated with the price of silver, high oil prices will lead to rising inflation expectations, in a high inflation environment, investors will turn most of the money to the precious metals market
Fluctuations in oil prices will have a direct impact on the development of the world economy, therefore, the silver spot investment market is often regarded as a barometer of global economic development is healthy or not.

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