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What is the size of the supermarket shelves in general convenience stores?

What is the size of the supermarket shelves in general convenience stores?


Convenience store single shelf size:Length 600 mm * width 350 mm * height 1800 mm; length 900 mm * width 400 mm * height 2000 mm (2200 mm)
On the market today, the mainstream convenience store double shelf size is:Long 600mm*, wide 650mm*, tall 1200 and long, 900mm* wide, 750mm* tall, 1350mm (1500mm)
According to the width of the board can also distinguish the size of the convenience store shelves, the following will be described as:(1) general convenience store shelf height size is divided into 3 kinds: 1350mm1500mm1800mm2200mm convenience store shelf size;(2) according to the width of the board to distinguish the convenience store shelf size, that is: 900mm and 600mm convenience store shelf size;(3) according to the attributes of the convenience store shelves, the size of the convenience store shelves is divided into 2 kinds, one is the size of the two-sided shelves, as mentioned above; the other is the size of the single shelf:
Convenience store shelf size according to the actual convenience store, shop size and height to decide, in order to adapt to the market, and reduce the convenience store shelf costs, we have implemented standardized, conventional shelf size and color. According to the special needs of the convenience store, we have selected several commonly used standard sizes to reduce production costs to varying degrees and to facilitate the convenience stores to reduce the financial pressure on convenience store equipment. Are you in the selection of goods shelves, will inevitably be stuck in the store shelf area and the group number, the conventional convenience store shelf size:1, island shelf size: length 900mm, 600mm two, 1200mm, 1350mm, 1500mm in height, the most suitable size convenience store shelves! Double island shelf width: 650mm2, by the wall area, snack area shelves: this part of several groups of shelves will certainly use hooks linked retail, highly 1800mm, 2000mm, 2200mm three.3, display rack, display platform: we have more new promotional racks and display rack, enrich your store display, display rack and display table size, here are not listed.
Convenience store single shelf size, width minimum, starting from 350mm, height of size mainly from 1500mm, very suitable for major convenience stores.

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