Am I even safe to drive to the mechanic or should I just two it? Holy crap, that could have been there for months for all I know since I last checked.
Pretty picture. I don't suppose you'd be willing to share which tube it is that you're talking about?
That's your air intake boot that routes air from your air cleaner to your intake. Since it's cracked after the air filter, any crap (leaves/dust/etc) can get sucked directly into your engine. It's a cheap part to replace.
It's an air hose that connects your air filter to your engine. It's safe to drive, but you should replace it when you get the chance. And there's no need to take it to your mechanic either. Just use a screwdriver to disconnect the hose clamps at either end, and if the new hose is a tight fit, you might need some kind of lube to get it on there. I just replaced mine because the old one had a tear that was wrapped in tape, and my mechanic suggested I replace it. It would have been $78 plus tax at Auto Zone, but instead I got the exact same thing on OKorder for $12.
That is the air intake hose between the air filter and the throttle body. It is allowing unfiltered air into the engine which will accelerate wear and contaminate delicate sensors.