BQ: Your favorite season?I hate spring and love winter :)
wtfblocked sometimes work but it isnt the best! sometimes like today woulnt let u reply back! Designed for myspace unblocking
see if you can install cut off valves and if so a supply line should do it
It's always dangerous when alone be it male/female although for females it's more of a precaution. Go4it just have common sense to be alert to your surroundings and if possible get with newly made friends and if alone get in to your place of rest b4 it's too dark. Don't get too eager to join in to little get togethers unless you're completely sure it's safe and don't accept anything from others like a drink or food unless you know it's not drugged with something. I wish you a safe european journey and share pix when u return back.
Circumventing Internet access control systems with web proxies to access unauthorized web sites is a violation of the computer usage policy of the company your mom works for. She can get fired from her job for what you are doing on the computer.