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What material is ductile cast iron 235A?

What material is ductile cast iron 235A?


Nodular cast iron by spheroidization and inoculation by spherical graphite, effectively improve the mechanical properties of cast iron, especially the plasticity and toughness increased, resulting in higher than carbon steel. The strength of nodular cast iron is a kind of high strength cast iron material developed in 50s twentieth Century, its comprehensive performance is close to the steel. It is based on its excellent performance, has been successfully used in casting complex stress, strength, toughness and wear resistance requirements of the higher parts. Ductile iron has been the rapid development of cast iron material for application of gray cast iron, only very widely. The so-called "iron steel", mainly refers to the ductile iron.
Pig iron is an alloy of iron and carbon carbon content more than 2%, pig iron carbon content is generally in 2.5%--4%, including C, SI, and Mn, S, P and other elements, is the use of iron ores in blast furnace products. According to the different forms of carbon in pig iron, and can be divided into pig iron, cast iron and steel ball ductile cast iron. Several precipitation of spherical graphite cast iron. The cutting action on the metal substrate than spheroidal graphite flake graphite cast iron, the strength of the matrix organization strength of 70 ~ 90%, the tensile strength is up to 120kgf/mm2, and has good toughness. Ductile iron chemical composition besides iron usually contains: the amount of carbon 3.3.8%, silicon 2.3.0%, manganese, phosphorus, sulfur and no more than 1.5% of the total amount of rare earth, magnesium spheroiditic agent.
Ductile iron is a pig iron

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