1- what kind of materials can block all microwaves and radio waves? how thick should they be? 2-How can I make a place such as a room, house or any other place free from microwaves and radio waves?3- what is the relationship between inter-atomic distance of materials and their insulation capability toward different waves?Thanks.
it is located inside the transmission underneath the pan.
Just like you have an oil pan the tranny has a tranny pan. the filter is in the tranny pan.need to drain then drop the pan from underneath of car
the filter is located on the flattest part of trainy under car if it is rear wheel drive. ther are about 12 or so screws to remove on the pan. then under the pan u will find a screen type filter
Any conductor will work, although sheet copper is best. But the metal has to completely enclose the room, floor, ceiling, walls, doors, windows. And special care taken around heating ducts, AC power wires, etc. This is called a shield room. They can get very expensive because of the the special care needed around wiring, around doors and windows. inter-atomic distance ? not relevant. The material can have openings, like a screen, but the size of the openings in the screen set a frequency limit, with frequencies with a wavelength less than the openings will pass through. Thickness of the material is not important unless the power levels are high.