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What's the difference between 48V electric cars and 72V electric cars?

What's the difference between 48V electric cars and 36V electric cars?


The 4 section of the regular factory to 700-800 yuan, and 36V14A with a level usually as long as 320 yuan, in short, what kind of car according to the number of their riding mileage and slope to be, the best selection of ordinary bicycle type, low repair rate, but also can uphill artificial power, reduce the damage rate of the battery and motor, controller, battery life will be relatively long.
If 20A can run up to 60 kilometers, 36V can only run 35 kilometers, but also in the 14A battery, because of the low voltage, uphill capacity is far than the 48V car, when the battery capacity is big, the price is higher, such as 48V20A battery,
48V is usually composed of 4 12V battery, and voltage is high, so the speed and driving have advantages and some mileage, and this is usually the motor power is inseparable from the 48V if the battery is 16A, an electric charge can run 45-50 km,

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