What's the difference between a fire hydrant hand newspaper and an ordinary hand newspaper?
Fire hydrant button in the automatic fire alarm system shutdown or failure, the same can be through the electric contact pressure gauge or water indicator directly start the fire pump. The installation of fire hydrant button must not be installed, and the ordinary alarm button must be installed. The ordinary alarm button is the necessary alarm equipment of automatic fire alarm system.
Set the manual alarm button to alarm, fire control center host (or regional fire alarm controller) after receiving the alarm, should be confirmed (excluding false positives), may be issued linkage control signal, its property is equivalent to the pipeline detector alarm, alarm circuit, no fire resistance requirements.
According to the current "fire water and fire hydrant system technical specifications" requirement, set fire hydrant button in order to notify the fire control room, after confirmation, start the fire pump, instead of starting the fire pump, the pipeline belongs to the control circuit, a fire resistance requirements.
Fire hydrant manual is to play the role of alarm and indirectly start fire pump, and ordinary hand newspaper is only play a warning role.