I'm going to buy a pump to take water from a lake and use it to water the grass at my cottage. I would like to run at least 2 hoses at the same time. I'm looking at one that's 3/4 horse. Is this too small? The yard is a little more than an acre.
not only do you have to move a lot of water, but you have to LIFT it over a long distance.... you may need a pump in the middle of your distance, as well....
that is a trick question, because you didnt mention the size of hose you will be using. and i would suggest asking the people at the place you are going to purching the pump,because you may have to have MORE POWER to pump it at a great distance. I really dont think this help you but ask the people who really works in this field.
A 3/4 horse pump usually has a one inch suction and 3/4 inch outlet and is more than enough to water one acre. Remember, you don't have to water every day or even cover the entire acre all in one day. The industrial/agricultural pump mentioned before (4 inch? 6 inch? Or more?) is intended for use on dozens of acres per day.