What would be the best fire retardant cloth to make a child's jump suit with a non carcinogenic cloth?
Take it to a locksmith, and they will be able to cut a key for it. If you can't take it off the door, you will have to call the locksmith to the house.
I am a Firefighter, covering a smoke detector and sprinkler is a major violation. Those alarm's aren't just for you. Once your alarm is triggered by smoke everybody in that building is triggered. By you covering your smoke detector you are providing a unsafe environment for other residents. The fire sprinkler helps to extinguish the fire or prevent from spreading. Go to your balcony and smoke outside. Why put your neighbors in harm so you can smoke a cigarette package that cost $4.00. Is it worth it? Cigarettes are one of worst fire ignition starters. Throw a cigarette on your bed and watch your mattress light up and then curtains.
It is crucial if it says to use it . It will cause the timing to retard itself causing engine performance loss and will run too rich ,which will cause long term motor problems such as knocking etc .