what would you do if a fire was approaching your house and there wasn't enough time to get away?
There is pain involved but mostly what I would call discomfort. They give you good medication to help with the pain. For me it was more the anxiety of the procedure and the finality of it. The waiting can be the worst part also, it gives you lots of time to contemplate the what if's. My best advice to you is to learn all you can about the upcoming procedure and what to expect once you get your dentures. Do you know if immediate dentures are planned? If you are well prepared both mentally and physically this should go well. Have realistic expectations and get a clear understanding of the procedures from the dentist.
I'd count myself as ambivalent. I guess the same reason people hated Ewoks and Jar Jar something in Star Wars, it was seen as demeaning and lowering the 'seriousness' story of the series and was done instead as a prop meant to attract kids instead of adults.
Hi, First let me tell you that I am the biggest CHICKEN when it comes to going to a dentist, i have had some bad experience's. About 2 years ago my teeth were also just breaking and i had to have 6 pulled at one time. I explained to the Dentist that I was scared and he was wonderful. A little discomfort with the Novocaine and the pressure when he was pulling, but nothing i couldn't handle. When the numbness wore off, i was feeling sore, but nothing compared to the pain of the teeth breaking. I also had the denture put right in, so it's a little awkward getting used to the plate, but the pain is no where near the pain of toothache's or breaking teeth, The Power of Positive works wonders. I try to look at everything in a positive manner, it was gonna be much better after it was done, and it was. I wish you the best and remember : Your going to have a wonderful smile and It's gonna be much better.