what would you do if you had to carpool to work with Sheldon Cooper?
1. . /) /). /). /). /) is a new/used clothing place that has some funky stuff. The website has a little indication of what they have. That's all I can think of right now.
Punishing your child for wetting the bed is not the right solution no matter how angry you might feel. Not all children learn to control their bladders at a set age. We dealt with this problem with my daughter. She could not wake herself up that is how deep her sleep was. Believe me, it was frustrating and I washed the sheets daily. The best choice is to cover the mattress with plastic liner or cover, pads, extra blankets or use pull up undergarments at night. If you are really desperate and the age is appropriate, you can purchase a bed alarm. Like the others said here, you probably won't be able to get deep down into the mattress but you should be able to surface clean.
I wouldn't worry too much about the sheet getting dirty and having to change it daily. It's unlikely your baby will have blowouts at that young age. I didn't have that issue with my oldest until he was much older. My youngest is one and we still haven't had a leaky diaper. Good luck!
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