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whats a cold air intake?

and how does it work and what does it do for the car like im thinking of puting one in my car will it be good for my car?


they are a waste of money unless you just want something to impress people when you open the hood, your better off keeping your stock air box and adding a high flow filter in it such as a KN filter as you will get the same results but the only thing you won't get is a sucking sound when you tromp on the gas, your stock airbox is routed to fresh air outside the engine bay where as a cold air intake is actually under the hood of the car with the filter mounted to it exposed to the hot air from the engine under the hood. If the cold air intakes were such a good idea don't you think the automakers would equip all new cars with it?
COld air can be a cheap way to get a little bit more out of your engine. The unit replaces the factory air intake system and replaces it with low restriction air filters as well as tubing with smoother bends and no sharp turns. This is supposed to increas the airvelocity as it enters the engines intake. Many kits will also include a Throttle Body Spacer which is to further enhance the power and torque output. The system will also, generally, place the intake opening in an area isolated from the engine bay. Some, like the one I have, has a sheet metal enclosure and gasket that seals off the area from the engine bay, and it gets air from the front of the vehicle. I do think that some manufacturer claims are a bit exaggerated, but I know that it must have put a little something extra in my HEMI. Mine is a 2004 RAM, 48k miles, and I was able to slowly creep past some fool in a new RAM. We were both at WOT and I was able to get by him. Another thing to consider, if you really want to let the engine breath is a Cat-back Exhaust upgrade. It really isn't any benefit to be able to push more, cooler, denser air into the engine, if the way out is restricted.
Its probably not worth the cost, and depending on the model of your car, the air intake might already be 'cold'. Engines operate better, more efficient, with colder air. Most modern autos have their air intake for the air filter somewhere to the side of the engine or beside the radiator. This allows cooler air to reach the engine. In the old days, air filter intake was right above the engine and behind the radiator - which allowed the intake of hot air to the engine. Its just a matter of squeezing as much efficiency from an internal combustion engine as possible. Can't hurt anything.

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