After awhile now of dropping my fire all the time the back is in some need of repair. So I want to buy a new back and replace. I was shopping but couldn't find anything.~~~~~Any thoughts on opening it up and physically adding a flash drive to expand space? I don't think I would have to worry about custom ROM because I already have ICS on it.
Yes, but in a bathroom with the shower running, the fan on, the window open, and some sort of smelly shampoo/lotion/spray in use would greatly hide the smell
Subscribe to their service then after a period of time if you think what you want, is the things you are asking for just cancel the service and keep the devices. Personally if I had them, I would want the ability to call also, but who knows maybe just having Brinks on the door ant the other will help you. I can't tell you how to have security for absolutely nothing, that's is impossible, look on Craig's list everyday for something too help.