I have a few wooden pallets I want to sell. I've looked online but all that stuff is confusing. In the end of a 3 hour battle with my search engine I only found one company that buys them for 50 cents! I know there are places that buys them 3- 5 dollars each but I can't find them. I need help and a link please.
put up a for sale sign, sell everything, then buy a ticket.
Apparently with one nasty stench.
make a raft out of the empty pallet and the colostomy bag, create a sail w/ the tree and the tarp, and use the sail when I can, or the propulsion from my own diarrhea as a last resort. If they're the chocolate candy-coated Exlax, I guess I'll eat them as sustenance as well... only in moderation, so I have enough left over for my last resort propulsion system...