where to find plastic covering for basement windows?
If you're asking about plastic that can be used like glass panes, it is available in 4'X8' sheets at Lowes or HomeDepot. Fairly inexpensive. Cutting can be done on a table saw with a fine tooth blade, BUT, must be cut slowly as it will tend to melt from heat at the cut and stick together. File or sand off any rough edges that remain. If you're speaking of plastic sheeting, it comes in rolls about 10' wide. Available at same stores.
local hardware stores should have it
if you are talking about plastic to keep warmth in, look in the painting section of walmart.
Try locating this at your local home improvement store.
Any hardware store, lumber store, etc. But you can buy polyfilm which is heavier than what you might buy as a window kit. It comes in clear and different mil thicknesses. Call your local hardware store and they can tell which you might need for the area in which you live.