I have construction happening in my apartment, and I would like to protect my furniture. I am not sure what to call the plastic that I need to buy to protect my furniture. I am also not sure where to buy this plastic. Help please....
You can use all of the above, or go to WalMart and buy the plastic kits that you would use to winterize your windows. They work just as well. Or, you can go to a thrift store and purchase old bedsheets for twenty-five cents apiece. Wash them with bleach, and there ya go!
cheap plastic tablecloths from the dollar store will work fine for most of your things. It's easier to seal off an area with the plastic things you can buy to put on windows for the winter. They come in sliding door sizes and completely seal the doorway from any dust getting in.
Home depot, Lowe's, any store that sells painting supplies. Just get the plastic drop cloths and get them as big as you can if you have large furniture. Hope that helps!
you can just use painters drop cloths.... my dollar store has them... they are huge. a hardware or building sotre has them, but they are 7 - 8 $ each which still isnt bad...but check out dollar stores first and save a bundle. you can buy fabric ones but they are like 22$ for 2 and will cover only two pieces of furniture, i would go with plastic.... And tarps, arent thin enough or pliable enough to mold to furniture effectively, they will be constantly slipping off, plus you will pay more and have to buy more.
they are called TARPS and can be bought in a hard ware store. or you can do like I did and buy shower curtain liners at the dollar store.