im sorry i didnt really know how to word the question i have a 97 saturn sl2 series i just bought windshield wipers for my vehicle sizes that are for my car is 22 and 21 but which one goes on the drivers side and which one goes on the passengers side
The teeth on the shaft the wiper blade is connected to are worn, the driver's side wiper motor is burnt out (that is if they run on separate motors) or on your car the passenger side is the one with the drive motor and the push rod connecting to the driver's side has come off. Good luck. All ways a good idea to buy a Chilton's Guide for your car and then you can attack problems as they arise.
Which Wiper Blade Is Longer
The longer wiper usually goes on the driver side. it really doesn't matter though, it's a one inch difference and it's not going to make a difference and mess something up. you could use two 21's and be fine.