After the guy is sent to the island, they spray him with a fire hose and put white powder on him, what is this?
What is wrong with your calculation is your assumption that the big bang was an explosion that occurred in some particular location and spewed galaxies out in all directions. That is wholly incorrect, and has never been a model of cosmology. The universe is pretty much the same everywhere. There is no center, and no expanding shell of galaxies and no void into which they stream. The universe is filled with galaxies absolutely everywhere, and always has been. The big bang is the fact that the distances between galaxies was smaller in the past. Thank you for informing us that the law forbidding travel at greater than c applies to the universe, but those of us who actually understand something about cosmology know that that law is a law of Special Relativity, which applies only locally in General Relativity. Objects that are very distant from each other can flow at any speed, and it even depends on your choice of several different possible definitions of speed.
I have no idea what the name is, but its obviously a pearl like plastic with a gloss coating. I think what makes them actually reflect though is that they arch which is what creates the reflective look. I can't imagine what you are using this for. Perhaps a gloss coated pearl paper would work??