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Who can Answer this Question?

If I have 7 bananas and i take away 2 fire hydrants, how many girafes can i buy?


It's an interesting take since the Left will never stop using this kind of rhetoric until the government supplies everything. It's always about denying access when really it's about money. More for everyone, and don't worry, someone else will pay. Do you honestly believe the Democrats can pay off the debt and balance a budget? Ever? Look at states like NY and CA, and at what point will it all collapse?
Odd. It's the republicans that freed the slaves and passed the Civil Rights Act.
Republican want all children to have access to Private Schools. Republicans want people to be able to cross a bridge with out it costing a days pay. Republicans want people to be able to afford health care.Talk about education. You are in need of one. How are Republicans keeping people from going to college or getting contraception? Contraception is sold in every convenient store I've ever been in. If you cant even afford a condom how the heck are you getting laid?
Sometimes when lighting a pilot you need to purge the gas line and that might make a slight gas smell. And sometimes when using the heater for the first time a year you could get some slight gas odor in the house. But, if it lingers longer then a few minutes I would turn everything off and have the gas company come out to take a look
Friend, your ignorance is showing You don't really think insurance companies would just pay for birth control out of the goodness of their hearts, did you? Bwahahahaha! When an employer in this case the church agrees to cover it's employees with a particular health insurance company, the employer PAYS the insurance company part if not all of the per employee premiums. Therefore, even if Obama's silly proposal to have the health insurance company pick up the tab on birth control, the employer is still paying for it because the company will just pass on the cost in their premium. So you can stop waiting You now have your answer.

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