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who has seen the movie &phone booth?&?

i was in suspense the whole time and i thought it was a good movie. the ending made sense and worked out but i hated it! that evil man is still out there and ugh! anybody agree or have comments about the movie? or do ya know anything about behind the scenes or ANYTHING?


If you are the administrator on your computer go to control panel, user icon , turn user account control on or off, UN check the little box.
there are many types , if it has a round skirt like plate it twistes off pull down lighty or wiggle it off the bat is in there some where replace it and the ones in the house also.
i do not know look at a cheat website or something because usually they have hints and tips on them
One of 2 things either you are located in a corperate inviorment and do infact have a System Administrator theat has activated functions that you are unable to change. Or your computer has come from such aplace and these functions were activated before you recieved the computer. In either case the only way you can change this is to UnINstall the Operating SYStem and then Re Install it again and set yourself as the Administrator. This really doesent change your ability to use your computer it will simply change all the previous security settings that someone else has activated. Don
Chris is right.. you need additional RAM and if you get the message when viewing a movie or a video then you need a good Video Card.

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