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why are the proper prachices for working safely in a biologys laboratory?

why are the proper prachices for working safely in a biologys laboratory?


I thought I was the only one that slept without the nursing pads on here! My daughter sleeps in her crib most nights, but if she wakes up and wants to nurse she comes to bed with us (or if she's sick and I want to keep a better eye on her). I leak less now that she is 7 months old, but I still leak sometimes, especially if she falls asleep nursing and lets it run out of the side of her mouth. I put a pad under my sheets on my side of the bed so that it will protect the mattress. I haven't had any experiences with breast milk staining, so I don't worry about that part. I just change the sheets and wash the pad when needed. The only downside I've found is I can't stand the smell of the breast milk after it has dried on the sheets. If it really is a big problem you could wear a loose comfortable nursing bra or tank top that you could fasten/unfasten as needed. This way you could wear pads in them comfortably and not leak everywhere. Your baby is still young though and eventually once your milk supply starts regulating you will leak less. If the leaking isn't bothering you or the baby, I would just let your fiancee know that this is the way you want to sleep for comfort and ease of nursing reasons. Good luck :) EDIT: I guess I should tell you the type of pad, lol. It's one that our hospital unknowingly donated to us, just being honest here! It is about 36 x 30 or something like that, it is very absorbant and we used it in the hospital when I was still bleeding after delivery. I'm sure you can buy them at any medical supply store, maybe even disposable ones at Wal-Mart near the depends (I'm sure they use this type of stuff for incontenance).
Of course not, people need goggles, nose clips,swim caps, floats, ear plugs and whatever else. They cant have a problem with it!
fire cards have alot of burn abilities, inflcting damage w/out attacking, watch out for fire trooper and des koala, they are overpowered sons of bitches! (fire trooper can tribute himself to inflict 1000 damage) (des koala is a flip card, inflict 800 per card in opponent's hand) fire trooper combined with monster reborn can deal 2000 damage. des koala combined with shallow grave can double the damage he did before. There are more you can look up, like solar flare dragon, or volcanic slicer, but mainly those 2 are the burn masters. Good Luck!

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