I've heard a lot of people, even americans, complain that we pronounce it wrong because the British pronounce it different, but aluminum is the original name and the brits changed it to alooniam to make it match the other metal names... I just wanted to say that.
Standard English shouldn't be confused with American English - or the dozens of different variants of our most valued National asset. Actually - its impolite and not very English to say our American cousins are wrong to say or spell words slightly differently to the Queen's English. The Welsh, Scots. Irish Yorkshiremen Cornishmen etc would never agree to such a notion.
I am an American, and I struggle saying it the American way, but the British way is easy for me. Hmmm.
How To Pronounce Aluminum
Actually, it's spelled aluminium in Britain and most other English speaking countries.Sir Humphrey, who named it, first spelled it 'aluminium'. Then he changed it to 'aluminum', but changed it back to 'aluminium' because that was what other British scientists preferred. In America, scientists agreed with the British, but the Noah Webster’s Dictionary of 1828 spelled it aluminum. That's how it came to be pronounced and spelled the way it is in th US.