Why do they call fires 3 alarm fires or 4 alarm fires? Is it the time the fire started?
Please be smart and buy a new one. Several years ago there was a news item. A father had repaired the smoke detector. Soon afterward he had a house fire and lost 3 children. He was in agony, wondering why the smoke detector didn't work after he had fixed it.For a few bucks, don't take a chance on dying.
Just for the record, I know women of fire signs and they're very nice people(hell, I would qualify them as dream girls).. I find them very entertaining and enticing as well as awesome (espacially the sags)
haha no! well my sun is not in fire but i have a fire dominated chart with 44% firehowever when it comes to sexuality it's mars not moon. I have sun in Virgo and rising sun in Leo, Mars in Aries AND I am not a cheating type at all. Cheating is lying to yourself and i respect myself to look for a man who satisfies me instead of lying to myself i am happy leading a double life. If my partner cannot provide in the most masculine ways I am maybe able to- I will not blame him or cheat on him because of this- I will take the role myself . I will always be honest to him- otherwise if he is my partner- he is my choice and a mirror of myself. Why would I settle for something less then what I like? Cheating is just lying to yourself. If you are not ready for a committed relationship what is the problem with heaving a open relationship and treating the guy the nicest you can and not get possessive cos everyone deserves it's own freedom. I don't cheat , and cheaters are just loosers. No offense but I find water ( like Scorpios or Pisces) and some air signs, even some earths to be more of cheaters then fire signs. Or at least hard to trust. Cheating is simply lying to yourself and the partner that you are not happy with whatever. Follow what you like and want without any restrictions and be honest along the way.