Why does a new hot water tank leak from the top from around the hot water pipe? Why, why, why.?
very confusing step. lookup using yahoo and bing. this can help!
It sounds to me like you need couplings not connectors when u replace a section of pipe..Most pvc requires glue.if the leak is at a joint, where it branchs off, then you would need a connector.
It is hard to deal with the public but just play the part you have no choice.Keep trying to find other job.That is what I did. I was making good money but my company when out of business unemployment only last so long I am stuck in a no where job now.I am a housekeeper.it sucks but what choice do I have my problem is my age.Good luck
It would possibly be difficult to use lightning rods in the vast size of golf courses. Maybe only on the club house roof. If lightning wants to strike it goes for the highest contact point in sight. That is why people say DUCK!!! Spartawo
Hi! Sometimes is is difficult to understand what you are looking at if you are not familiar with it to begin withif you get my drift. Anyway.it sounds like you are talking about poly-ethylene tubing. This tubing is stamped along its length with pressure ratings etc. and may even say P.E pipe. It is black, flexible and definitely a poor selection for piping a water main. Poly-ethylene tubing is installed by using barbed insert fittings that fit the pipe size (inside diameter) being used/repaired. P.E pipe is not glued because it can't be. The barbed fittings are press fit (by hand) inside the pipe and then secured with hose clamps. If the pipe is cold, the fitting will be difficult to insert. If possible, gently warm the pipe (at insert fitting location) with an electric hair dryer or similar means. Warm pipe will accept insert fittings with greater ease. Teflon pipe joint compound/tape is not used on the barbed fittings, however it is always used on male threads. Expose enough pipe before and after the section to be repaired. This will allow flexibility in replacing the section you are aiming for. Sharp objects can pierce the pipe wall, so becareful to cover with a softer dirt, free of rocks. By the way. When replacing your water main, consider using White Schedule 40 PVC (Poly-Vinyl-Chloride) PVC pipe is glued with a combination of PVC glue primer. If your house only requires a 3/4 main consider enlarging by one more size to 1 In any case upsize by one size greater and don't forget to evaluate your landscape needs and incorporate this into your calculations for water main size. In regards to a water main, properly sized and/or moderately bigger is better!