It seems there are fewer and fewer pistols available with a hammer. With the exception of Colt 1911 and Beretta 92 type models, most available seem to have the striker system. I used to carry a SW Model 59 and it was great. SW does not even offer this type pistol anymore. Does anyone know why the move away from hammer fired models?
I would never have my children sleep in the bathroom. The plastic cover over a good area of the floor underneath the container that will hopefully receive the barf would work to keep from having to clean the carpet. Added~ The follow up to this makes it so much better. I thought this idea referred to bed time, but it appears it's for the duration of the illness (which was already being spread before symptoms showed anyway). I'm going to stick with comforting and caring for my children over quarantining them in the bathroom while life goes on for everyone else. He'll never be so sick that I'll refuse to kiss him and he'll always be welcomed to lay on my lap if that's what makes him comfortable.
sounds like you have an keyless entry system and not an alarm. A good alarm will have a glass break sensor installed so that the sounds of your window being broken will set off the alarm. Also a good installer will put in hood and trunk locks so the bad guy won't try to cut your siren wires. Be weary of alarm installers that will put in a system in 15 minutes. A good installer will hide all the wires and alarm brain. I have many more tricks I won't let out but have been installing alarms for over more years than I can count. I also have replaced hundreds of systems installed by other shops that still allowed the car to get stolen. I have never had one of my cars that I put an alarm on stolen.
i dont think the alarms deter the jackers. however, a security system that wont let the car be started without a key is a pretty good deterent. maybe some day in the future they will design an alarm that automatically calls the police if the car is tampered with.