Why do limestone, slaked lime, lime water etc. all include the word lime? What is the history of its use?
Ok let me try to clear this lime wire debate up. You can get viruses worms etc. anywhere on the web. If you have a good antivirus, spyware and malware installed you should be fine. Also, make sure you have a good firewall (Windows firewall) is not one of those. Get Comodo firewall pro or Zone Alarm if you are using the windows firewall. If you only use it to download mp3's you will also decrease the chances of downloading viruses on lime wire. I suggest using frost fire instead because limewire will pop up alot of child pornography.
It has the potential to do so. I would recomend you only use it to get mp3 or mpeg files. You should NEVER download .zip or .exe files. I have been using it for a long time and have never had a problem with it. And it can slow down your computer depending on your computer specifications. I would strongly recomend more than 512mb of RAM. Also have an ant-virus app scan any files you download before opening them. Cheers!
Lime Wire is harmless. A lot of files that will come up in your search however may be infected. Before downloading large files it is advised that you check the comments for the file if possible, no comments or bad ratings = don't download. You should also make sure you scan archived files (.zip, .rar) before executing any of the contents.
It dosn't, just aslong as you configue it correctly. By this I mean turn off all Sharing folders and when downloading files, make sure to check their file size before hand. If your trying to get a 4min song and it says its 400kb - then its obviously not because 400kb is too small and this may muck up your PC. Try to look for MP3s between the size of 3mb - 8mb. I've been using Limewire for well over 2 years, on both Windows XP and Mac OS X and I have only once got a virus and that was when I first got it on Windows XP and jumped straight in and searched/downloaded movies and everything without checking the file size/description. Just use common sense while searching and you'll be fine, no viruses ;)
This is True When i downloaded lime wire i cleaned my registry on my computer and most of the problems that were on my computer were actually from lime wire and i think that was why it started running slow so i removed it from my computer