When evidence shows the contrary, that the volume of the pipes has little to do with the statistics of motorcycles involved in accidents.Gear saves lives (this has been proven again and again) yet people who repeat the mantra about loud pipes are the ones who ride without any gear on(jeans t-shirt, sunglasses, no helmet, no protective or reflective clothing)Doesn't this sound more and more like an excuse to be loud and obnoxious more than a genuine safety concern?
They think freedom means having the freedom to be oppressive (or worse) to the groups they disagree with.
Yeah, like I never heard a Liberal say we Cons shouldn't all be rounded up and killed. NOT!
According to Obama's mentors - at least people Obama SAID are his mentors - their ACTUAL PLAN is anyone tolerating The Constitution will be rounded-up and re-educated with the expectation that tens of millions who cannot be turned that way will simply have to be exterminated. Now explain why you CHEER THAT but disdain obvious hyperbole?
I have to male pigs in a 2x5 coroplast cage, I fold a towel into halves and wrap fleece around the towel. You should wash the whole thing every 3 days or so, but the pigs have good traction and are very happy! :) P.S. The thicker the towel, the better it sits in the cage.
He's a troll and not to be taken seriously.