Deck Name: Deck OutThe Deck strategy is simple use morphing jar and needle worms until your opponent runs out of cards and you win.Monsters3 Caius the Shadow Monarch1 Raiza the Storm Monarch1 Cyber Dragon I plan to use this until I get a Raiza because, you can use it to bring back morphing jar.3 Needle Worm1 Sangan 1 Morphing Jar3 Nimble Momonga1 Marshmallon 1 Spirit Reaper1 Night Assailant Is able to bring back morphing jar.1 D.D Warrior Lady1 D.D Assailant1 Treeborn Frog1 Snipe HunterSpells1 Level Limit- Area B1 Swords of Revealing Light1 Brain Control1 Card Destruction1 Heavy Storm1 Smashing Ground1 Pot of Avarice3 Book of Moon1 Lightning Vortex1 Soul ExchangeTraps1 Gravity Bind3 Compulsory Evacuation Device2 Bottomless Trap Hole1 Magic Cylinder1 Torrential TributeWhoever helps give a good modified list of this deck will get 10 points, the only rule on modifying keep the cards cheap, I don't want really hard cards to get, the last list I did was missing two cards sorry about that!
try getting ironchain dragon x3 every time it inflicts damage your opponent must discard 3 cards from the top of their deck but its pretty good so far 4/5
Replace expensive cards as seen fit Monsters 20 3 cyber valley 3 caius 3 dd survivor 2 dd scout plane 2 raiza 2 armageddon knight 1 spirit reaper 2 GK spy 1 GK guard 1 Breaker Spells 13 3 Dimensional Fissure 2 Allure of Darkness 2 D.D.R.(Dance Dance Revolution!)lol 1 RotA 1 MST 2 Book of Moon 1 Brain Control 1 Gold Sarcophagus Traps 10 3 Solemn Judgment 2 Macro Cosmos 2 Dark Bribe 1 Crush Card Virus 1 Torrential Tribute 1 Mirror Force
+3 of all books except Life +2 magical stone excavator and pretty much start from scratch focusing on maximum milling per turn and consistance