Because in the works today, let a person to the old CRT TV to the demolition of the demolition. High pressure package and display (that is, inverted triangle of that, I do not know what to call) separated, and before leaving, the man told me to still be careful to leave the monitor, that is, if dropped on the ground will explode. Because India is a three have accent don't know why, I hope to help master appliances layman, CRT display after the dismantling of the answer will be dangerous? What should I pay attention to when I place or save it?
As long as the kinescope glass is not broken, should not explode, well, but you said that high packet connection is a little dangerous, high voltage of more than 10 thousand volts, the tube can be separated, however, the picture tube prices accounted for more than 7 of the overall price display, it is necessary to do change
Okay, factor CRT tube is a glass vacuum tube, so in the split when due to external pressure, it will split, and there is great voice, but not really explode, so you don't have to worry when storing attention gently, after all, is the glass products, and is still vacuum. Is not too large temperature difference on the line, what no other.
CRT displays are known as "Cathode Ray Tube" monitors. There are five main parts: gun (Electron Gun), deflection coil (Deflection, coils), Shadow (mask), high pressure graphite electrode and phosphor coating (Phosphor) and glass shell. It is one of the most widely used displays. Since the structure of the CRT picture tube and the ordinary electron tube are all "vacuum tubes", if accidentally break its glass shell, because the pressure difference between the inside and outside of the tube will produce burst from the outside to the inside. Therefore, when installing or removing the CRT display, it is necessary to take action to avoid accidents.