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With streaming data are premium cables better than generic?

I understand that with data transfer from computer to an external hard drive via USB, the data on the external will be exactly the same as the original data, barring any hard drive malfunction.


Quite honestly, I've heard many different things. Generally for HDMI there are two camps. One says that since its digital it either sends it or it doesn't, meaning the cable doesn't matter. The other sees it differently. In my opinion though, a cable is only as strong as its weakest link. That USB cable, no matter how good, you should remember that the USB port is connected to a USB header by copper wires. If the copper beaks, that cable loses all effectiveness. Same with HDMI. Really, I would buy cables as long as they don't look terrible and are cheap. A.K.A most cable at monoprice.
Yes to most of your questions. Use ANY HDMI 1.3a cable and you'll be guaranteed the highest data transfer whether it's a $20 cable or a $120 cable And I wouldn't throw $100 out the door for a cable that doesn't do anything MORE than the $20 HDMI 1.3a cable can. You see, it's the HDMI 1.3 STANDARD that guarantees the best throughputyou can't stamp it with the 1.3a seal of approval unless it passes their testing So the word cheap doesn't apply hereBest price or Worst price does Oh, and to the guy just above me.WRONG! Wrong wrong wrong!! There IS ERROR CORRECTION done with the HDMI signal !! It detects lost packets, and can rebuild them ! You do see pixellation when the AMOUNT of lost packets is so High the TV set can only Rough In the Block of lost information, but it error corrects nonetheless.

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