Without hurting yourself- how can 1 person move a washing machine from the back of a truck?How do you get it off the truckbed and onto the dolly by yourself without hurting yourself?Is there a trick or method you could recommend?
I think tanks are made from titanium because it's light and very strong
Your best bet is to ask someone who was in the military I heard it is secret, the metal alloy - metal combination which is used is secret, to stop other people using itI also think that most European Tank armours are secret, the UK's is and I think Germanies isYou will probably never knowThings it could be made from are tungsten carbide, it is frequently used in the military, steel carbon is meant to be even harder though, so it probably has one of the two if not both in the armourTungsten is very dense and heavy which would explain why tanks weigh so much, if it was made with titanium it would probably not be as heavy, although titanium might be part of the alloy
M1, M1A1 and M1A2 Abrams are made of out of Iron carbon Steel 100% pure alloy of elementsChobham Burlington composite armor is made of ceramic that is top secret might be made Titanium, Boron, Aluminum Silicon and plate layers of Rolled Homogeneous armor steel of Iron Carbon Nickel, Chromium and molybdenumAlso final cherry on the top of Chobham Burlington and Rolled Homogeneous steel armor is heavy density DU-Uranium mesh plated between Chobham and Rolled Homogeneous styleThe DU-Uranium is plated of Front hull and Front turret and sides of the Abrams turret.
Unless you have some sort of pulley or crane, I don't think that is a task I'd recommend for anyoneIf there is nobody you can ask to help right now, then just wait until someone can helpIt's not worth hurting your back and/or other musclesThe only other thing I can think of is if you have a sturdy rampYou could bring the dolley up to the washing machine and roll it down the ramp off of the truckBut make sure that it's sturdy and that it won't give out on youAlso make sure that it won't slide away.